Health and Safety at Windmill

We take our responsibility for keeping children safe and healthy very seriously.

In accordance with the Department for Education's 2018 guidance, we assess and manage risk all the time - for our school site and for any other activities we are involved with in other locations.

As well as staff rereading the Community Academies Trust Health and Safety policy each September, we have a school addendum which is reviewed annually.

Our school site is secure, with tall palisade fencing all the way around the perimeter.  Entry to our school is only possible through electronic gates with an intercom to the school office or the on-site Chipmunks Nursery.  Our building is also secure; all external doors are locked and accessed by keycode only.  Visitors access the building via the school office which has two sets of locked doors.

We practise evacuating the building each term and a shelter in place (lockdown) at least annually, so children and staff are familiar with the expectations and procedures.

We have adequate provision for First Aid, including Paediatric First Aid, and keep logs of any accidents/incidents in which First Aid was administered.  For most First Aid incidents we inform families by means of a duplicate copy of the First Aid slip.  In more serious incidents, including all head injuries, we telephone families and ask them to come and see their child.

We follow the Health and Safety Executive's guidance on Reporting Injuries, Diseases, Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).