Behaviour and Conduct

We have a positive behaviour policy that encourages children to make good choices.

We remind children that all choices of behaviour bring consequences. 

Good behaviour choices lead to rewards and bad behaviour choices lead to sanctions.

We don't really have school rules anymore, because we prefer to focus on our school values.

We try to be inclusive, understanding and forgiving at Windmill, but there are some behaviours that we consider to be unacceptable:

  • Disruption to learning (persistent disruption may lead to exclusion from school)
  • Damage to other people’s property and the school environment
  • Refusal of reasonable requests by adults
  • Dishonesty, including stealing
  • Bullying of any kind including name-calling, hurting others, threats and intimidation
  • Racism, homophobia, transphobia or sexism (name calling and any type of harassment)
  • Anything illegal being brought into school, including weapons, drugs or stolen items
  • Pupils chewing gum on the premises or consuming ‘energy drinks’ before school
  • Abusive or foul language
  • Violent behaviour with intent to injure another person

If families would like support with their children's behaviour, we are happy to discuss it and help to signpost where further support might be accessed.

We take child-on-child abuse and bullying very seriously and have robust procedures in place to investigate and deal with any allegations made.  Please see our Child-on-child abuse policy and the bullying page on our website.

Suspensions and Exclusions

We really don't like to suspend or exclude children from school; it is always the last course of action. The reasons we sometimes have to do so are:

  • Deliberately and/or persistently behaving in a way that stops other children from participating in learning activities
  • Violent behaviour to a pupil or adult
  • Verbal abuse to a pupil or adult
  • Deliberate damage to property

Our approach to exclusions is consistent with the Community Academies Trust Exclusions Policy.