School Performance

To see how well Windmill pupils did in national assessments, have a look at the national School Performance Data website, published by the DFE (Department for Education).

You will see that our progress data is mostly above or in-line with the national average and our attainment data is generally above the national average at the end of Key Stage 2.

We are proud of the quality of education we provide and celebrate the achievements of all our pupils.  Some excel in English and Maths, which are the main two subjects that are used to put schools into league tables.  Some pupils excel in other subjects and some excel in non-academic knowledge and skills.

A primary school education at Windmill Primary School makes a significant difference to children's lives. 

Our assessment data tells a story of many Windmill pupils starting in our Reception classes with knowledge and skills that are well below the national average.  Thanks to good teaching staff, a rich and broad curriculum and a wide range of memorable experiences and opportunities, pupils make good progress during seven years at Windmill and a majority of pupils move into their secondary school education having reached the national standard.