
Our policy on clubs is that they should be attended by the children who they are most appropriate for.  We consult with parents, carers and teaching staff about the needs and interests of the children in their care, than invite children to join clubs accordingly.

If pupils do not demonstrate the expected commitment (good attitude and attendance), they will be replaced at the club by another child.

All clubs finish at 4:15pm and children should be collected from the back door (by the hexagonal shelter). This term's timetable is below:

Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays

Year 3&4 Football 

Year 1&2 Mini Tennis 

KS2 FunZone Community led club 

Year 5&6 Boys Football

Year 3&4 Tennis 


Year 3-6 Gymnastics (Gymfinity)

Years 3-6 Fun football

Year 3-6 Athletics 


Year 5&6 rounders 


Year 1&2 Football




Years 3-6 girls football

Year 3-6 Dance (GemDanceAcademy)


KS2 Science club with SuperSonicSue


We run after-school SATs Booster sessions for Year 6 children in the weeks leading up to SATs week in May.

In addition to the clubs Windmill Primary school offers, please see below the links to local sports teams for primary school aged children which have links to Windmill Primary School.