Hello Families! 

In a lot of schools, the phrase 'parents and carers' is widely used.  We prefer to use the word 'families' wherever we can. 

That's because there are so many different types of families but every family around a child is important... vital!

This section of our website is designed for families to get the information they need quickly.

The best way to find what you're looking for is to use the search function on our homepage.  Just start typing and the website will find the page for you.

If you prefer to navigate through the menus, we have organised the 'Parents and Carers' menu into alphabetical order.

Some policies are not specifically linked to on our website and some policies are centrally located on the Community Academies Trust website.  Please follow this link for:

  • Information Security Policy
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Freedom of Information Policy
  • Privacy Notices for Staff, Students, Volunteers, Governors, Trainees and Applicants
  • Disabled Persons Policy
  • Gifts and Hospitality Policy

Please feel free to contact us if you can't find what you're looking for, or if you have any suggestions to make our website better.