Inclusion and Welfare

Our wonderful team of Inclusion Assistants, Specialists and Mentors is headed up by Mrs Cambidge, who is Assistant Headteacher, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo), Lead Teacher for Looked After Children, and is also responsible for Pupils with English as an Additional Language.

Mrs Cambidge is very ably supported by Mrs Howells, our Assistant SENDCo.  Mrs Dexter, as Personal Assistant to Senior Leaders in school, is often the first point of contact for families regarding SEND enquiries.


Mrs Coles is our 'Children's Champion' - our Welfare Lead - and she works to ensure that children are safe, healthy and happy.  She is supported by Mrs Peart for Welfare issues and works closely with Mr Gibbons, Mrs Dexter and Mrs Peart as the team of Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Miss Jenks is our Emotional Literacy Support Coordinator, and she leads a small team who work proactively and reactively with children who might be struggling emotionally during the school day.


As well as other roles in school, Mr Probert (aka 'Coach Carl') and Mrs Allen work with Miss Jenks to support children with emotional literacy. 


Ms Hatton is a phonics, speech and language specialist, working with individual children and small groups.

Miss Barnard, Mrs Peart, Miss Sankey and Miss Watts work with individual children, small groups and classes to support children with additional needs.  


What a fabulous staff team! How lucky we are to have such great people working in our school!